Bon Jovi – Legendary (Song Review)

Bon Jovi recently released latest album “Forever,” featuring the lead single “Legendary.” While I definitely think the band is legendary that goes without saying, that word doesn’t belong anywhere near this particular song!

Being a huge fan of Bon Jovi, it pains me to admit that this song falls short of their classic hits by quite a large margin. It’s not even in the same solar system. However, there are some interesting aspects to it, such as the reference to Brown Eyed Girl being a tribute to Jon Bon Jovi’s wife not the Van Morrison hit. It’s a non-offensive easy going tune overall, probably best through for playing in the background during a family gathering.

Check out the music video for this song below – it’s pretty unique. I wonder who came up with the idea to place the band in a field with a huge moon in the background, it’s a big miss for me, I don’t get it at all.

Bon Jovi – Legendary (All Rights Are Retained By Bon Jovi)

Legendary kicks off with so much potential, with its captivating guitar chord progression. However, excitement is short-lived as the “Oh’s” overpower the guitar and the initial magic is lost. It’s a shame because this is the very reason why I struggle to connect with the song; it lacks the depth that I’ve grown accustomed to with Bon Jovi songs.

I enjoy the tambourine and the energy it brings to the song. The tempo is not the problem here. It’s the lyrics that leave much to be desired. Throughout their history, Bon Jovi has excelled at storytelling in their songs, like in classics such as “Livin’ On A Prayer” and “You Give Love A Bad Name.” Those songs made you care as a listener as you are taken on a journey. However, what we have here is a lacklustre and disappointing offering.

Sure, the chorus is catchy enough, but I was hoping for a connection to their old hits, something that would evoke nostalgia. Instead, we’re bombarded with a plethora of cliches.

“Got what I want ’cause I got what I need
Got a fistful of friends that’ll stand up for me
Right where I am is where I wanna be
Friday night comes around like a song
Sweet Caroline, and we all sing along
Got my brown-eyed girl, and she believes in me

Photo from when I saw Bon Jovi in 2019

I understand that diehard fans of Bon Jovi may have a different opinion, and that’s perfectly fine. Even though it’s not my personal favourite, I wouldn’t say it’s a terrible song. One thing I do really appreciate is the emphasis on “Legendary” through the unique tone it’s sung in. However, the country vibe isn’t really my cup of tea.

I sincerely hope Jon Bon Jovi recovers completely from his vocal cord surgery so he can once again deliver an unforgettable concert experience for his fans. I had an amazing time seeing them perform live! It’s surprises me to give such a critical review to a Bon Jovi song, but here we are!


If you want to go and see live music click the Ticketmaster logo below to buy your tickets!

Photo from when I saw Bon Jovi in 2019

Got something to say ? Leave it as a comment below and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

All the videos, songs, images, and graphics used in this review belong to their respective owners and I or this website does not claim any right over them.

Review written by Fox Reviews Rock

As always the song(s) in my reviews are added to my Spotify Playlist find out more about that here as well as on my Spotify Podcast find out more about that here .

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9 responses to “Bon Jovi – Legendary (Song Review)”

  1. Fox Reviews Rock avatar

    Let me know what you think!


  2. Debbie D. avatar

    Bon Jovi has always been kind of ‘hit and miss’ for me. It’s not a bad song, but I can’t say it grabs me. The word ‘pleasant’ comes to mind. 🙂 I did enjoy the video with the full moon. Nice concert pics!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Fox Reviews Rock avatar

      Yeah I think hit and miss is a fair point , though when they hit they really really hit! Yeah it’s bland. I knew someone would like the video! Thanks I’ve got so many more but I didn’t want to flood the review with them 🤣

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Leon Stevens avatar

    That Bon Jovi song sounds like it is by a generic band from the late 90s. I remember buying his first album, but can’t remember if I bought any others.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Fox Reviews Rock avatar

      I think that’s a fair comment , you’re missing out on some great albums though 👍🏻

      Liked by 1 person

  4. dimlamp avatar

    I think you missed the connection in your review to Neil Diamond’s song, Sweet Caroline. The song, could, in part be a tribute to him.


    1. Fox Reviews Rock avatar

      Good spot , I think you’re right but I think it’s yet again another clichéd line to attempt to resonate with fans tbh


  5. Greg Dennison avatar

    I don’t know if I’d go as low as 3, but it definitely feels kind of bland. Not awful, though.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Fox Reviews Rock avatar

      Fair enough, I’d like to say it Hurt internally to go that low, what score would you give ?


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