Green Day – Saviors (Album Review)

How do 15 tracks with stylistically varying types of rock that all hit hard sound? Pretty good or at least that’s the conclusion I came to. Green Day are back with, in my opinion, their best album since “21st Century Breakdown”. Their 14th outing, “Saviors”, scratches that itch for a return to the more political side of their work, after it was sorely missed in their previous offering “Father of all…”
Speaking of political lyrics, “People on the street, unemployed and obsolete” in the opening song and “Grandma’s on the fentanyl” in “Strange Days Are Here to Stay” really hammer home the state of America in the current day and age. The band are clearly concerned with the direction of the country, but I can’t help but feel like the album would have hit even harder when Trump was President.

Green Day – The American Dream Is Killing Me (Official Music Video) – Green Day retain copyright

The album has some fantastic moments such as the guitar from the opening of “One Eyed B*stard”, to the gentler sounds of “Goodnight Adeline”, which I immediately can see crowds the world over singing at the top of their lungs. Let’s also not forget the catchy “I don’t want to be a dead man walking” from “Dilemma”, which contains some of the best drums I’ve heard from Tre Cool in any Green Day song to date.

That’s not to say that this album is perfect, far from it. Mike Dirnt’s bass in my opinion might as well not be on the album at all, is it even present? Maybe he went out for a cigarette break during recordings. In addition, songs
such as “Coma City” and “Corvette Summer” just sound like rehashes of old Green Day songs, not bad songs, they just don’t seem to add anything to the bands back catalogue that they didn’t already have. While the song “Saviors” is just plain boring and “Fancy Sauce” isn’t any better. Which means I find myself thinking why they didn’t just finish the album with Father to a Son. In my opinion the glue that holds the album together, a quieter song which is bound to be a favourite with any father/son in attendance when it is played.

I’ve saved the best till last though, “Bobby Sox”. The way Billie Joe Armstrong delivers the chorus in this song wouldn’t go amiss in a much heavier band (Maybe one will be on the phone). I find it to be a refreshing change to the usual Green Day formula and a subtle but obvious celebration of Armstrong’s own bisexuality.
I’ll leave the review with “1981”, a refreshingly fun song around the middle of the track listing which is a nod back to “Dookie”, which celebrates its 30th anniversary this year (where did that time go).

Green Day – Bobby Sox (Official Music Video) – Green Day retain copyright

So where would I file this album? Solidly in the pretty good pile, nowhere near their best offerings such as “Dookie” or “American Idiot” but certainly one I’ll stick in rotation.

Got something to say ? Leave it as a comment below and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

All the videos, songs, images, and graphics used in this review belong to their respective owners and I or this website does not claim any right over them.

Review written by Fox Reviews Rock

Review edited by Cozzer

As always the song(s) in my reviews are added to my Spotify Playlist find out more about that here as well as on my Spotify Podcast find out more about that here .

Songs That Shaped Me – Three Days Grace – I Hate Everything About You

The latest installment in the songs that shaped me series on Fox Reviews Rock covers Three Days Grace’s “I Hate Everything About You,” my perfect breakup song. This anthem helped me control anger, make better decisions, and find peace. It’s best for venting frustration and serves as a reminder of personal growth. The band’s music…

Bon Jovi – Legendary (Song Review)

Bon Jovi’s latest album “Forever” features the lead single “Legendary,” which falls short of classic hits. The song lacks depth and meaningful storytelling present in their past songs. While diehard fans may have a different opinion, the cliched lyrics and country vibe make it a disappointment.

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93 responses to “Green Day – Saviors (Album Review)”

  1. Leon Stevens avatar

    It’s difficult to keep putting out stellar albums. I know so many bands that I only enjoy their early offerings.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. foxreviewsrock avatar

      Oh absolutely! I think sometimes bands change their sound to make more money in line with what is making the most traction at that time , or because they dont want to stay pigeonholed into one genre or style when half the time the fans would prefer they just stayed doing what made them popular in the first place , i can think of at least 10 bands that did so, its a real shame. Thank you so much for your comment its really appreciated 🙂

      Liked by 7 people

  2. Johnbritto Kurusumuthu avatar

    It seems like a worthy addition for fans to keep in rotation.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. foxreviewsrock avatar

      It certainly does! For sure better than their previous record. Thanks for commenting and stopping by 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. David J. Bauman avatar

    Alright, you talked me into it. I’ll take a dive into the album. Thanks for the specifics!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. foxreviewsrock avatar

      Haha! Hope you like it , feel free to come back and tell me what you think I got wrong , I’d appreciate any feedback 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. gwengrant avatar

    Excellent review.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. foxreviewsrock avatar

      Thank you so much !


  5. Badfinger (Max) avatar
    Badfinger (Max)

    The songs I’ve heard so far has been really good. I’m glad they don’t really change their style. What they are saying is pretty much spot on whats happening now. I’m neither a liberal or conservative…and it sucks.
    Great review!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. foxreviewsrock avatar

      Thanks very much for finding the time to check out my review 😀 I think their style works , when they delve too far from political punk rock with melodic choruses I feel they loose their way a little. This album is very solid though I’m glad they are back.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Badfinger (Max) avatar
        Badfinger (Max)

        I agree. It’s funny…I’m too young to remember the sixties but I like a lot of the political stuff from then…I guess it’s burnt into me from classic radio but hearing modern stuff different. I guess we hear enough from social media to get my fill of it lol.
        Yes I’m glad they are back…it’s nice to hear a rock band in modern times get into the charts!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. foxreviewsrock avatar

          I’m the exact same ! 🙂 isn’t it just there isn’t enough rock in the charts these days it’s 95% pop and to be honest it frustrates me.

          Liked by 3 people

          1. Badfinger (Max) avatar
            Badfinger (Max)

            Yes!!! This sounds like a conspiracy theory but I swear they are trying to kill it dead. What rock bands do we have now? Foo Fighters and Green Day in the mainstream charts….there are not many. The Black Keys would be another.
            There are great alternative rock bands out there but you have to hunt them down…it shouldn’t be like that.

            Liked by 1 person

            1. foxreviewsrock avatar

              I certainly don’t disagree with you at all , we have so many great rock bands ( black stone cherry , shinedown , halestorm ) just to name a few that should be getting air time and just are not check those out if you don’t know them 🙂 but yeah they should be given equal opportunity and they really are not its a shame.

              Liked by 1 person

              1. Badfinger (Max) avatar
                Badfinger (Max)

                My 23 year old son…him and his friends listen to The Beatles, Who, Stones, Jimi Hendrix, and etc. I never pushed him because when you do…they won’t like it…he just grew up around it. I asked him about modern pop charts and he flat out told me….they sound like products now made to order….not like the older rock songs.

                Liked by 2 people

                1. foxreviewsrock avatar

                  Sounds to me like you raised him right ! 😁 and that he has a great taste in music just like you 😀 yeah modern day pop I think you could almost transplant a different artist to a song and it’d sound the same

                  Liked by 2 people

                  1. Badfinger (Max) avatar
                    Badfinger (Max)

                    We couldn’t agree more about the different artists. I just never pushed him into anything…he came naturally which is great.
                    There are some good alternative rock/pop bands out there though. At one time all we had to do was turn on the radio…now…not so lucky.

                    Liked by 1 person

                    1. foxreviewsrock avatar

                      I’ll have to try and do the same thing with my daughter , although she’s only 5 months so got a long way to go haha! There is loads of great alternative stuff out at the moment any bands you want to recommend and I’ll add it to the list of albums I’ll review next 😀

                      Liked by 2 people

                    2. Badfinger (Max) avatar
                      Badfinger (Max)

                      I’ll tell you a blog or two to go to who has new stuff…one of them by a game named Jeff and the other guy is Christian….he does new songs on Saturday… Hold on and I’ll give you two links.
                      This is Christian…he picks out new songs that sound usually timeless.

                      New Music Musings

                      This is Jeff…he picks out new music with more of an 80s 90s slant…

                      One band I like…is kinda weird but it’s straight blues/ rock with a…well you just have to listen to them. They are called
                      Reverend Peyton’s Big Damn Band … and also a band called Beach Weather…they are not bad.

                      Liked by 1 person

                    3. foxreviewsrock avatar

                      Thanks for that ! I’ll go and take a look at that blog immediately and write down the suggestion for future posts 🙂 appreciate your time as always

                      Liked by 1 person

                    4. Badfinger (Max) avatar
                      Badfinger (Max)

                      Thanks for stopping by my place today…I’ll see you soon! I think you will like them both.


                    5. Badfinger (Max) avatar
                      Badfinger (Max)

                      Oh…sorry to bug you….but do you know about The Replacements? They heavily heavily influenced Green Day. In fact when The Replacements reunited….the lead singer Paul Westerberg had back problems and Billy Joe joined them for a few dates to help out.

                      In the 80s…the biggest two alternative bands were REM (before they made it) and The Replacements. The Replacements were The Stones to REM’s Beatles…anyway…they had some really good songs…the album I would recommend would be TIM….yea they named an album TIM lol… their other two great ones would be Please To Meet Me and “Let It Be”…no not the Beatles one lol… although I love that one as well!

                      Liked by 2 people

                    6. foxreviewsrock avatar

                      You could never bug me 🙂 I do actually I like some of their stuff not all of it but probably like 70% which is a lot for me. I’ll add that album for sure to my list , thanks very much for the detailed suggestion 🙂

                      Liked by 1 person

                    7. Badfinger (Max) avatar
                      Badfinger (Max)

                      Thanks man…I wasn’t sure because many people don’t know about them.


  6. Michael Fortenberry avatar

    Good review. Based on this, I’ll have to check out the album.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. foxreviewsrock avatar

      Thanks very much! Any bands albums you think I should do next ? Thanks for taking the time to comment very much appreciated 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Michael Fortenberry avatar

        Most albums I would mention are older. Most music I play today is from streaming sources or apps like Pandora or Spotify, etc. Some favorites: First Queen album US release of which one track was Great King Rat, Led Zeppelin Physical Graffiti, Santana Abraxas which included One Como Va, and Black Sabbath Paranoid and Faries Wear Boots!

        Liked by 2 people

        1. foxreviewsrock avatar

          Nothing wrong with albums that came out a while ago, the best music never ages 🙂 not heard of some of those bands so I’ll for sure be checking those out , thanks so much 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

  7. Michael Fortenberry avatar

    sorry for the typos; Oye Como Va, Fairies…

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Stacey avatar

    Thank you for visiting my blog to leave me to yours, friend! This was certainly a stroll down memory lane as I haven’t listened to Green Day in ages (I’m 38). Maybe I’ll give them a listen soon.

    Have a great day!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. foxreviewsrock avatar

      You’re very welcome and thanks very much for stopping by! If you like their older albums this is a solid nod to that 🙂 Any other bands you haven’t listened to in ages that I could review? 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  9. CarolCooks2 avatar

    Good to see Green Day back with another album not enough rock in the charts…Thank you for following CarolCooks2 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. foxreviewsrock avatar

      Absolutely it was about time there was more rock in the charts! Thanks for visiting 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  10. 100 Country Trek avatar

    I follow your blog but can you follow mine


    1. foxreviewsrock avatar

      I am following your site 👍🏻


  11. 100 Country Trek avatar

    You follow my blog ?


    1. foxreviewsrock avatar

      It is not simple to follow you by the way , the subscribe link doesnt jump out at you on your site and i could not simply click subscribe on your comment either by website or the phone app , thought your would like to know.

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Nina Nery avatar
    Nina Nery

    Thank you for your comment! This was an awesome review!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. foxreviewsrock avatar

      Thanks so much , please read my 2nd post which comes out in 3 minutes 🙂


  13. From Fox, press – Victoria avatar

    […] victoria bratt yoga site 14th Feb 2024 1 minute Green Day – Saviors […]

    Liked by 1 person

    1. foxreviewsrock avatar

      Thanks very much for linking my post , never had that happen before very cool ! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  14. AM avatar

    I had no idea Green Day were still up and rocking. Nice! And thank you for liking a post of mine. I appreciate it!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. foxreviewsrock avatar

      They most certainly are! 🙂 You’re very welcome , thanks for stopping by i really appreciate it 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  15. yvensong avatar

    Thanks for following my blog and I’m happy to have discovered yours. I’m always looking for more music. Your review of the Green day album has sent me on a quest to to hear more.

    Btw, since I’m new to your blog, and haven’t had to a chance to peruse all of it, have you done a review of anything by The Hu? I absolutely love them and would love to hear your thoughts. (And no worries, if you don’t like them. I won’t take offense.)

    Liked by 2 people

    1. foxreviewsrock avatar

      You’re very welcome 🙂 I’m glad you enjoyed my review of the new greenday album, if you’re after New music maybe take a read of my halestorm album review if you haven’t already 🙂
      I’ve only done 2 reviews so far I’m aiming for 1 album a week so for sure I’ll get round to reviewing one of their albums at some point as I think they are brilliant! Thanks for the recommendation , look forward to staging in touch 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. yvensong avatar

        Your Halestorm review was the first one I read. I have already added them to my must-listen-to list. I look forward to reading more of your reviews.

        Liked by 2 people

  16. Hasan Sayeed avatar

    The politically charged album “Saviors” by Green Day features a variety of rock songs that tackle socioeconomic issues and the effects of opioids. The album is a remarkable and powerful musical experience because of its relevance to the political environment, especially during Trump’s presidency.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. End Times avatar

    Thanks for following my site; you are very kind

    Liked by 2 people

    1. foxreviewsrock avatar

      Very welcome 😁

      Liked by 1 person

  18. hitandrun1964 avatar

    Another great post.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Paul Handover avatar

    Just wanted to call by and leave my thanks for your decision to follow Learning from Dogs, as in Thank You!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. foxreviewsrock avatar

      You’re very welcome , while you’re here please take a look at my other posts 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  20. Christine Keleny avatar

    Good music! Thanks for the introduction.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. foxreviewsrock avatar

      You’re very welcome , thanks for stopping by 🙂


  21. susienwinfield avatar

    My teenage son is interested in playing guitar almost as equallyashe loves science. It would be cool to have a rock star scientist in the family.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. foxreviewsrock avatar

      Sounds to me like you did a fantastic job! I think it’d be cool to have a rock star scientist in every family haha! Good luck to them 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  22. Carolina Russo avatar

    Great review, your analysis and details! Thank you for following my Blog I appreciate it! I honestly can count on my fingers the good bands now a days! What is around, I don’t even consider it music! I feel like everything is created in a “lab” I consider myself very lucky that I experienced the real music bands during the 80s and 90s I love music and I am very selective with what I listen. I stick with the iconic bands I love otherwise I listen sound healing frequencies 528Hrz and so on! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. foxreviewsrock avatar

      Thanks very much 🙂 I do hope that my site will be able to find you a fee newer bands which are to your tastes too though, what bands from the 80s and 90s do you enjoy?


  23. Carl D'Agostino avatar

    “the state of America” stuff, yes US in decline . Brings me back to 1968 focus on anti war stuff. Important social relevance here and I like the foot tappin’ music. This helps be get current as I am still in the Beatles, Stones, Led Zep universe

    Liked by 1 person

  24. Thomas Thower avatar

    I’d agree with that , it’s a good Green Day shun and a lot better than the last one.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. foxreviewsrock avatar

      it’d be hard to not be better than the last one haha! But yeah this is a great record!


  25. rebuilding rob avatar

    Given the state of affairs that the rock genre is I today, a seven out of 10 is pretty damn good.

    Don’t forget that in addition to Dookie turning 30 this year, American idiot is celebrating its 20th anniversary as well!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. foxreviewsrock avatar

      Yeah absolutely! Its a shame but you are correct , there is very little to get excited about in terms of bands coming through but i suspect in the next 3 or so years that will change somewhat 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  26. PrEdIcTaBlY UNpreDicTaBLe avatar

    Hey… just wanted to say… thanks for the support… it has been noticed 🫶🏻

    Liked by 1 person

    1. foxreviewsrock avatar

      You’re very welcome 🙂 Keep up the awesome work!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. PrEdIcTaBlY UNpreDicTaBLe avatar

        It doesn’t feel awesome… but thanks, I honestly don’t know why people even like it…🤷🏼‍♀️


  27. Mahedih Shayek avatar
    Mahedih Shayek

    Great work!


  28. Melodi Umoh avatar

    What a great review! I haven’t listened to this album yet. I was definitely a fan of older hits like “American Idiot” and “Boulevard of Broken Dreams,” so the release of this new album is exciting.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. foxreviewsrock avatar

      You should give it a listen , genuinely a good album for them.


  29. oldsoul3199 avatar

    I stumbled across your bog and you led me down a musical rabbit hole…thank you…I needed that…I found some new artists 🤩

    Liked by 1 person

    1. oldsoul3199 avatar

      Oops …I meant BLOG

      Liked by 1 person

      1. foxreviewsrock avatar

        Haha that made me laugh 😃

        Liked by 1 person

    2. foxreviewsrock avatar

      That’s great ! I love it when people find new music and I’m glad my site was able to help with that! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  30. Green Day – Saviors (Album Review) | Trancylvania avatar

    […] Green Day – Saviors (Album Review) […]


  31. Podcast Sundays – Green Day – Saviors – Fox Reviews Rock avatar

    […] , which holds a special place in my heart as it was the first post on my site! You can find it here. But please give the podcast episode a listen […]

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  32. Sylvain / avatar

    @foxreviewsrock Ce blog est génial et m’a inspiré une nouvelle thématique sur mon blog “Genious blog /Blog de génie”…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Fox Reviews Rock avatar

      C’est fantastique à entendre ! Merci beaucoup pour vos aimables paroles et je suis heureux de vous avoir inspiré d’une manière ou d’une autre !


  33. thecruciverbalisticbookworm avatar

    Hi…thank you for all the likes and support for my posts. Wishing you all the very best!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Fox Reviews Rock avatar

      Anytime , I really enjoy your posts 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  34. Stephen J Frankenberry avatar

    Just wanted to say thank you for reminding me. I don’t really look for stuff, I don’t check fave bands for new things something always has to jog me, being so caught up in the everyday, sadly, leaves music to the wayside. I have my few discs for the car (the only place I listen to music anymore though that is usually the best 45 minutes there and back of my day) but I get caught in a loop of my old regulars, Pure “Pure-A-Funalia” is a one for example, grabbed from my old guy shelf recently, the Rainmakers, Alan Parsons, that one perfect “Winter Hours” album and anything Bob Mould and I never go too far from MonaLisa Twins (the only recent stuff and highly recommended by the way, just for the harmonies and the wit and the musicianship and Beatle-esque nature of them).

    But this reminder was a good one. Paid my 10 dollars for the download of “Saviors” and listened on the way home Friday night. First listen? Cut 4 and cut 10. “One Eyed Bastard” and “Suzie Chapstick”. Some of the rest was just, well, some of the rest, I’m not sure if they can ever top the triple album but I am SOOO looking forward to my new listen loop.

    Thanks for the heads up.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Fox Reviews Rock avatar

      No worries anytime! Thanks so much for taking the time to leave such an awesome reply! Yeah I agree too many tracks probably could have done with a bit more refining but it’s the best greenday in ages

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Stephen J Frankenberry avatar

        Yeah I can already tell it is, just looking forward to spending more time with it. And I am glad I came about your site, which I think came from you liking a post of mine in my Attic to start. But whatever the case, you do a great job here and I shared a couple of posts of yours with a good friend of mine who I’ve known since the early 90’s when I bartended at this really loud rock n roll bar in Pittsburgh around my radio job and she was a regular. She lives in Hawaii now (another spot reached) and is still a rocker and has given a thumbs up to me on the posts I’ve sent her. She really liked Conquer Divide and that post of yours as I knew she would. Keep doing what you do!!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Fox Reviews Rock avatar

          Thanks very much! 🙂 Im glad you’re here! Your site is awesome btw just wanted to let you know that! 🙂 That is so cool of you to do! Thank you so so much.

          Liked by 1 person

  35. Celebrating 10,000 Views: Green Day Saviors Album Review – Fox Reviews Rock avatar

    […] is a thank you post for everyone who has read the review of Green Day’s latest album Saviors! It has now been viewed over 10,000 times which is […]


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