Ozzy Osbourne – Patient Number 9 (Album Review)

There are many ways to refer to Ozzy (Osbourne), Some of which are Legend, Maverick, and Madman; all of which are true. The last few years unfortunately have not been kind to the “Prince of Darkness”. His Parkinson’s diagnosis and subsequent ill health have left his cancelled final tour looking like it will never take place.

However, while it looks unlikely Ozzy will be able to grace stadiums and festivals again, that doesn’t appear to have slowed down his spirit. “Patient Number 9”, his 13th solo album, was released in 2022; just 2 years after “Ordinary Man”. So while seeing him live is unlikely, he seems determined to bring more of his music to the masses.

Click here to buy Ozzy Osbourne tickets through Ticketmaster!

“Patient Number 9” is filled to the brim with collaborators, including Tony Iommi. This is the first time the Black Sabbath guitarist has appeared on an Ozzy solo record. The album’s first Iommi team-up is “No Escape From Now”, a hit that reminds me of peak Black Sabbath. Ozzy’s trademark style adds extra weight to the doom-ridden lyrics such as “World on fire, scream and shout, in a cage, I can’t get out” or “Gone are the yesterdays, Tomorrow’s getting cold”, while Iommi’s guitar adds that extra layer that sometimes Ozzy’s solo work lacks.
The album’s 2nd involvement, “Degradation Rules”, should perhaps have been left on the drawing board however. Seriously?!… Nobody wants to hear a, now 75-year-old, man sing about pleasuring himself.

Ozzy Osbourne – No Escape From Now – Rights Retained By Ozzy Osbourne & Epic Records

Often described as one of the greatest guitarists of all time; The late Jeff Beck played guitar on both the title track and “A Thousand Shades”. Jeff had an unorthodox style of playing which earned him many fans including the before-mentioned Eric Clapton, as well as Brian May (Queen) and Steve Lukather (Toto). Both songs feature tremendous solos, my favourite being on the title track. While some of Ozzy’s lyrics on that song might be a bit dated, (references to the mentally ill most likely should be left in the past), that doesn’t stop this song from being a hit and a big part of that is Jeff’s influence.

Another one of the album’s collaborators unfortunately passed away in 2022. Taylor Hawkins (Foo Fighters) played drums on the tracks: “Parasite”, ”Mr Darkness” and ”God Only Knows”. His presence can be felt most in “Parasite” where he leads the way into the track perfectly, as well as giving it an excellent ending. The song itself has an incredibly catchy chorus and a closing line that had me in hysterics with the statement “I like worms”. Zakk Wylde (Black Label Society) also features on this track. Zakk, Ozzy’s long-time axeman, absolutely shreds the guitar all over this track. His solo, at around 2 minutes 30, is a particular highlight of the entire album!

Another highlight of this album for me was “One Of Those Days”, in which rock and blues guitar legend Eric Clapton layers his unique style over the vocals of Ozzy. I never knew that I needed this combination, but it turns out I did. The guitar solos on this track can only be described as meaningful, fitting and beautiful; Which for an Ozzy record is a surprise. Combined with purposely lyrics of “Hey hey have I lost my mind, killing myself but I never die” and “Hey, hey have I lost control, drinking my sins never drown my soul”. As a listener, I couldn’t help but feel emotional as it reminded me of his present condition and in my opinion this is him letting it filter
naturally into his music.

Ozzy Osbourne – One of Those Days – Rights Retained By Ozzy Osbourne & Epic Records

The final collaboration I’ll talk about appears on ” Immortal” which sees Mike McCready’s (Pearl Jam) symphonic, distorted guitar added to the album. The track is by far the album’s most stadium-ready hit, while also being the track that doesn’t quite fit. That isn’t to say it’s bad, far from it, but stylistically it doesn’t seem right. However, if you view it as a standalone single then it’s a fantastic fast-paced monster hit.

The album is not without its low points though, on occasion Ozzy’s vocals sound far too autotuned. I’m in no way expecting perfection, but I’d have preferred the full authentic Ozzy sound. “Dead and Gone” unfortunately sounds like a carbon copy of his more successful track “Shot in the Dark”. The album also seems to lack the real wow moment of previous works, the one track that people may play on repeat. That can be forgiven though, while collaborations can occasionally be gimmicky that is not the case here. Each one of them adds something unique to the record. Ozzy touching on his ill health gives the album extra depth. So how would I describe Ozzy? I think his own words within this album “I’m Immortal” are perfect. While immortality sadly can’t be granted to the man himself, for his music and his impact it most definitely is.


Got something to say ? Leave it as a comment below and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

All the videos, songs, images, and graphics used in this review belong to their respective owners and I or this website does not claim any right over them.

Review written by Fox Reviews Rock

Review edited by Cozzer

As always the song(s) in my reviews are added to my Spotify Playlist find out more about that here as well as on my Spotify Podcast find out more about that here .

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38 responses to “Ozzy Osbourne – Patient Number 9 (Album Review)”

  1. Debbie D. avatar

    I bought this album as soon as it came out and thoroughly enjoy it, especially “One Of Those Days”. Some of your negative points are valid, but the guest musicians are superb, including two of my favourites, Tony Iommi and Jeff Beck. The most fun I ever had at concerts was with Black Sabbath. 🙂 Ozzy was the ultimate showman and he knew exactly how to pump up the crowd. So sad about his declining health.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. foxreviewsrock avatar

      It is so sad about his health 😦 i absolutely think the guests on this album make it what it is , but without ozzy it couldnt have happened.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Janice K Jones avatar

        Engaging and thoughtful review full of interesting details. Liked it so much that you showed respect, sensitivity but also felt able to give your own critical perspectives – and courteously. Really enjoyed reading and listening.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. foxreviewsrock avatar

          Thanks very much for your kind words , im glad you enjoyed my review , ill always show respect on this site , but i wont shy away from being critical where needed 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

  2. artzbyluke avatar

    awesome review ,love Ozzie

    Liked by 1 person

  3. satyam rastogi avatar

    Wonderful post 🌹


    1. foxreviewsrock avatar

      thanks very much 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. satyam rastogi avatar

        Welcome 🌹freinds


  4. Laura avatar
    1. foxreviewsrock avatar

      He is an absolute legend isnt he! Whats your favourite song by him >?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Laura avatar

        There’s so many. I guess I could go with “Crazy Train”, but I also love “Mr. Crowley” and then “See You on the Other Side” always makes me a bit emotional lol 😆


  5. hitandrun1964 avatar
    1. foxreviewsrock avatar

      Thank you very much


  6. Resa avatar

    Excellent review! I adore all of the artists you have mentioned in the collaboration. In that way, this album is a GEM!
    I’d say 7/10 is pretty great for a guy with Parkinson’s!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. foxreviewsrock avatar

      Thanks so much ! 🙂 the collaborating artists are brilliant aren’t they , I think he absolutely rocks !

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Resa avatar

        Yes! It’s a testament to Ozzy’s stature in the rock world that they all played on his album.


        1. foxreviewsrock avatar

          It certainly is , I can’t think of many other artists who would have such a big pull

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Resa avatar
  7. theworldoutsidethewindow avatar

    Great review, my son (who is 14) and I have enjoyed the tracks we’ve heard on Planet Rock and your review makes me want to explore the full album, especially the Pearl Jam link-up.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. foxreviewsrock avatar

      Thanks very much , im glad that my review has made you want to explore the rest of the album 🙂 Planet rock is one of my favourite stations also , you and your son both have cracking taste 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  8. shadowartshealing avatar

    rad. thanks for reviewing, i had wondered if this album would be just an industry rehash but i’m now interested in checking out his newest. appreciate the videos, nice to see he actually shows up in them instead of just generated animation that seems pretty common these days

    Liked by 1 person

    1. foxreviewsrock avatar

      Thanks for taking the time to comment 🙂 Its honestly a decent album i also had the same reservations. Yeah i also despise the animated videos people seem to be doing today.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. shadowartshealing avatar

        oV course! and thanks for giving me the opportunity to spend time nerding out on metal \m/


  9. gwengrant avatar

    Really interesting. Thank you.


  10. Saul Uelsza avatar
    Saul Uelsza

    Never listened to Ozzy. Have listened to Clapton twice. Am now giving both a twirl. Great review!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. foxreviewsrock avatar

      Oh wow ! Sounds like you have a world full of brilliant music to explore I envy you 🙂


      1. Saul Uelsza avatar
        Saul Uelsza

        If you could listen to music all over again with what artist would you start? Why?

        Liked by 1 person

        1. foxreviewsrock avatar

          Ghost are incredible, Metallica, bon Jovi, iron maiden. All bands that opened my eyes to different things and I’d love to relive that for the first time.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Saul Uelsza avatar
            Saul Uelsza

            Much appreciated, I’ve got some listening to do!


  11. SelmaMartin avatar

    Wonderful review. Your words are captivating and show so much about you as a human being
    I respect this. Thank you. Will return to read. Bless you for sharing this post. Xo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. foxreviewsrock avatar

      Thanks very much , and i look forward to seeing you back 🙂


  12. Podcast Sundays – Ozzy Osbourne – Patient Number 9 – Fox Reviews Rock avatar

    […] 9 , which holds a special place in my heart as it was the third review on my site! You can find it here. But please give the podcast episode a listen […]

    Liked by 1 person

  13. isabellawolgoth avatar

    Sabbath and Ozzy’s blizzard got me through high school, along with Judas Priest and Iron Maiden, so I really appreciate this review. Ozzy and I split ways after Ultimate Sin for reasons of taste, however, this review may historically make amends between me and the Prince of Darkness. I am so happy to hear (as you stated) that Tony appeared on a track. I was happy to hear other’s did as well, so thanks to you, I am willing to give it a go. Thanks for the review of course 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  14. SD avatar

    Love the review. “While immortality sadly can’t be granted to the man himself, for his music and his impact it most definitely is.” Amazing

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Fox Reviews Rock avatar

      Thanks so much! I’m so glad you enjoyed that part it took me a day to come up with a fitting end to the review 🙂


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