Fox Reviews Rock – Exciting News!

I decided to switch things up this week and instead of a regular album review, I wanted to share some exciting news with you all!

When I started working on my Podcast and Spotify playlist to accompany my reviews , I realized that I didn’t just want to focus on albums. Mixing it up a bit sounds like a lot of fun and allows me to cover more of what I love about music!

 As I attend gigs and music festivals, I’ll be sharing in-depth reviews, my own photographs, and personal experiences with you all. A really great gig can be because of who you go with, the set list , the atmosphere and support acts you might not have known about before. This is what I aim to achieve here. Finding new music and sharing it with you all.

 Sometimes bands release singles that give us a taste of what’s to come, and I love diving into those early releases. If I find something that really grabs my attention, you can bet I’ll be sharing it with you all! Singles have a special place in my heart because they often remind me of specific moments in my life. They create a strong connection that lasts.

While music videos have the power to captivate, shock, and entertain. A great music video can take a good song and turn it into something truly amazing. I see no reason why I should leave music videos out of my reviews.

I also want to take a moment to thank everyone who has supported my site’s growth in such a short amount of time and for my Podcast listeners I really appreciate you giving my thoughts a listen. Your support means the world to me! Feel free to leave a comment below with any suggestions for reviews – I’m always open to new ideas!

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32 responses to “Fox Reviews Rock – Exciting News!”

  1. Violet Ravette avatar

    I really like this idea. I also want to say I really like your avatar. I just think Foxes are cool. Is there an interesting reason for calling it “Fox’s reviews”? Just curious.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. foxreviewsrock avatar

      Thanks ! My surname (family name) is Fox 🙂 I’m very much fond of it

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Violet Ravette avatar

        Oh, that is cool! I look forward to more on your blog😊

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Mumnonymous avatar

    Brilliant new ideas! 🤘🤘🤘

    Liked by 1 person

    1. foxreviewsrock avatar

      Thanks got to keep things fresh 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Mumnonymous avatar

        Of course! I want to do an interview soon. Someone with a mental health story to inspire. I may ask for volunteers in the next episode. We have not recorded for a while, because of… Well life. Keep going my friend 🤓🤓🤓

        Liked by 1 person

        1. foxreviewsrock avatar

          Sounds like you have some really great ideas of your own! Oh yeah life has its ways for sure , I was meant to be making a review post for today but well life happened 🤣


  3. Steve avatar

    Sounds fantastic! I look forward to checking out more of your content.


    1. foxreviewsrock avatar
  4. Mr. B avatar

    I can feel your passion for music in the tone of your writing! I am not surprised you are having great success! Keep it up!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. foxreviewsrock avatar

      Thanks very much , what a lovely comment 🙂


  5. robertcday avatar

    Nice, nice! You followed my humble blog, which is only tangentially related to music so I’m not entirely sure why, but I’m grateful.
    I read your latest article and then listened to it. Not sure which I enjoyed most because both are excellent. I love the way you bare your true self and motivations.
    My first thought, on coming here, was ‘why is he limiting himself to rock?” I just heard a couple of tracks from Beyonce’s next album and, although I’m far away from being a fan, thought that she was very brave for switching genres like that. I want to be so brave. How about you?
    Anyway, I look forward to reading more from your site and to asking the awkward questions that prompt real growth.
    Kind regards – Robert.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. foxreviewsrock avatar

      Ah you see , my 2nd team is SWFC so your post about that piqued my interest 😉 I appreciate your kind words 🙂 I limit myself to all arms of rock and to be fair there is a lot of them , but thats just what i listen to , im not really into much else. Keep asking those questions , id rather learn more about myself , have a fantastic day Robert!

      Liked by 3 people

      1. robertcday avatar

        Ah, SWFC. Yeah, there’s that cross to carry. 😀

        All kinds of rock? You’re right. There’s lots. I can happily embrace vast swathes of that genre. Even the heavy, relentlessly intense stuff has it’s place in my musical universe. I’m listening to a lot of Radiohead at the moment, which is described as “art rock alternative rock electronica experimental rock art pop” so should be up your street, but I bet you 10p that some of Thom’s warbling annoys the frock off you.

        But what about those grey areas of yours. When you say “im not really into much else”, what’s in the “really” and the “much”? Guilty pleasures?

        But yeah, have a fantastic day too, Mr Fox (dunno what else to call you).

        Liked by 1 person

        1. foxreviewsrock avatar

          Dont worry its not as heavy as the DCFC cross i have to carry 🙂
          Damn thats 10p i owe you! haha!
          If i had to choose guilty pleasures there is a few pop artists in the past 20 years i dont mind , as well as some decent classic dance tracks im rather fond of too! Although i tend to get into those when a rock band does a little experimenting and i get stuck down a rabbit hole 😛

          Steven , very nice to make your acquaintance 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

          1. robertcday avatar

            Haha – look on the bright side: at least y’all got rid of the elder of the Rooney cousins. 😅

            10p? Don’t worry, I’ll let you off, much as it pains my Yorkshire soul to give away good dosh.

            There are sooo many great rock covers of disco classics! Look no further than Bruce Dickinson’s cover of The Birdie Song and Ozzy Osbourne’s sublime re-recording of Joe Dolce’s disco classic
            Shaddap You Face. Seriously though, Metal Disco Fusion is a concept that is long overdue, right? 🥳

            Anyways, I’d best get back to Paranoid Android. Some serious shredding going on there. Good to meet Hannah, Steve.

            Liked by 1 person

            1. foxreviewsrock avatar

              Yeah tbh the younger one is one hell of a player , just got unfortunate this season with a nasty injury just as he was looking good.
              If Metal Disco Fusion became a thing id be all over it!

              Liked by 1 person

              1. robertcday avatar

                Injuries. Frustrating. Yeah. You play footy?

                MDF. Yeah. Hmm. 🤘🕺😂

                I’m having one of those dead head days today. Need to shut the computer off and go for a walk before the sun goes down.

                Liked by 1 person

                1. foxreviewsrock avatar

                  Love footy , but always been a better cricketer im afraid 🙂
                  MDF All the way!

                  Liked by 1 person

  6. robertcday avatar

    Bugger. It’s already taken! “Medium-density fibreboard (MDF) is an engineered wood product made by breaking down hardwood or softwood residuals into wood fibre.” 😄


  7. Fox Reviews Rock – Exciting News! – The Pursuits of Porsha avatar
  8. Kevin avatar

    You’ve certainly got some great idas for developing your blog. Good on ya!


  9. theworldoutsidethewindow avatar

    Great news to hear about the expansion…


  10. Maria Ott Tatham avatar

    Best wishes to you for your new plans!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. foxreviewsrock avatar
  11. camilla wells paynter avatar
    camilla wells paynter

    Thanks for liking “Smoke and Mirrors!” Leave it to Fox to dig the Coyote material. 😉 I’m not much of a music geek, but I do love me some occasional metal, so I’m glad to know you’re here and doing this stuff! The Old Dog may yet learn of some new bands! Best in all your endeavors!


    1. foxreviewsrock avatar

      no worries at all , hopefully you do find some new bands 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  12. gwengrant avatar

    Sounds an interesting. exciting project. Good luck with it.


    Liked by 1 person

  13. Fox Reviews Rock – Exciting News! – UNIVERSIDAD ONLINE avatar

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